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Frequently Asked Questions

1. In the case of an independent departure of a patient for treatment abroad, is it possible to reimburse costs at the expense of budgetary funds?
No, according to the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 26, 2021 No.KR DSM – 45 "On approval of the rules for sending citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for treatment abroad and (or) attracting foreign specialists for treatment in domestic medical organizations within the framework of the GOBMP", persons traveling for treatment to foreign medical organizations at the expense of of their own funds, they are not entitled to reimbursement of costs from the state budget.
2. Where to go if there are no prescribed medications?
You can call the SK-Pharmacy contact center for free medication 1439 (from mobile and landline numbers);
you can also contact the Social Health Insurance Fund at number 1414 (from mobile and landline numbers).
3. How do I get free medicines on an outpatient basis?
It is necessary to be attached to a polyclinic, a paramedic-obstetric center or a medical outpatient clinic (Family Health Center);
2) The patient must be registered at a dispensary for a socially significant, chronic or socially dangerous disease;
3) to get a free prescription, you need to contact your local therapist.
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